Yolanda Soliven

Well during the first five years of Fee’s walk with the Lord, He and four other brothers in the Lord started a ministry called Brothers in Christ. Every week they would pray for someone to go give a Bible study to. One of them was my sister Nancy’s brother-in-law Daniel. He told Fee I know someone who we can give a Bible study to and Daniel told them about me. Daniel and I used to get high together smoking marijuana I would go to his mother’s house where he was living at the time and get high with him and his cousins. I lived a party life and look forward to the weekends to go out with my girlfriends and this lasted from Friday night till Sunday. I would start my day with a hit from my bong take my kids to school go to work and come home to the same thing. This was how I would function during my week. I thought this was a normal way a life. I was divorced from my children’s father and living with my parents for four years and was trying to find away to get on my own. Nothing seemed to work for me it seemed like I was never going to give my children a place that they could call home. And my parents were tired of the life style I was leading not only to them but, my children as well. They used to see me come home from the nights I would go out and get drunk and high.

I needed help but didn’t seem to know how to get out of my situation. Well on Feb. 3, of 1991 Jesus knocked on my mother’s door. When she opened the door she saw Daniel, Fee, and Brett who was Fee’s brother-in-law. I only knew Daniel at the time and never saw Fee before in my life or Brett. We welcome them in and served them some coffee and Daniel introduced me to Fee and Brett and told me that they had come to give me a Bible study. I knew that Daniel had gotten saved and I thought that was good for him. I told them sure go ahead, I didn’t want to be rude to Daniel or his friends but little did I know how it was going to change my life around. Fee opened his Bible to the gospel of John chapter 3 which is the story of Nicodemus a Pharisee who came to Jesus by night to ask him of the miracles and signs that Jesus was doing, and how one must be born again to see the kingdom of God. I was so fascinated because this was the first time anyone came to share the gospel of Jesus to me. I went to church when I was a child but didn’t remember anything like I was hearing that night. Well when Fee was done he, Daniel and Brett prayed for me and asked me if I would like to attend their church. I told them I would call them and let them know but during the night and the next day I just kept thinking maybe Jesus can help me and my children .

So I gave Daniel a call and told him yes I would like to go with them to church which was on a Wednesday Feb. 6, 1991. Well as soon as I walked in this place I felt something come over me. The Pastor gave a bible study and after he finished he asked if anyone would like to come forward and ask Jesus to forgive them of their sins and be baptized. It was as if someone push me out of my seat and I jump up and walked down to the altar to ask Jesus to forgive me of all my sins and there were a lot. I also got baptized and when I came out of the water the Spirit of God was all over me. I felt like a new person and everything was like new to me. It was like God had opened my eyes to understand him. In John 14:6 Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. A short time after I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior he open up doors for me I was able to get a place for me and my children they were so happy. We didn’t have much but Jesus continues to provide for us what seemed impossible bit God made it possible. I am now married to Fee Soliven and we serve Jesus as we wait for his perfect plan for our lives. I am so thankful to Jesus and all that He has done in my life!!!!
Yolanda Soliven